
DanyChrys Barosoft
9 Views ยท 6 months ago

bootrec /fixboot command acces denied - windows won't boot - start in troubleshoot mode

DanyChrys Barosoft
5 Views ยท 6 months ago

Doar cu un cablu video - (USB Type C la HDMI) - va puteti transforma telefonul samsung intr-un desktop - se poate si wireless, numai ca sunt intarzieri mari intre semnalul video si comenzile date.

DanyChrys Barosoft
11 Views ยท 7 months ago

โฃHow To Remotely Log Off someone from command promt (LAN Only)

DanyChrys Barosoft
2 Views ยท 8 months ago

โฃUsed Commands :

Open Google Chrome (119 or higher).





Omnibox CR 2023 Action Chips.
Omnibox CR 2023 Action Chips Icons.
Omnibox Expanded State Height.
Omnibox Expanded State Shape.
Omnibox Expanded State Suggest Icons.
Omnibox Steady State Icons.
Omnibox Expanded State Colors.
Omnibox Expanded State Layout.
Omnibox Suggestion Hover Fill Shape.

DanyChrys Barosoft
8 Views ยท 9 months ago

How to share files from ubuntu server to windows - samba instalation and configuration

ATENTIE - pentru a crea directoare de la diversi useri din windows cu drepturi de scriere - read write - full rights trebuie sa faceti aceste setari๐Ÿ‘in fisierul de configurare smb.conf
โฃ# My shared drive
path = /mnt/RAID1
valid users = syncuser
readonly = no
guest ok = no
browsable = yes
writable = yes
create mask = 777
force create mode = 777
security mask = 777
force security mode = 777
directory mask = 777
# I set the SGID flag here as I thought this is what you wanted
# You could change to 0775
directory mask = 2777
force directory mode = 2777
directory security mask = 2777
force directory security mode = 2777

DanyChrys Barosoft
4 Views ยท 9 months ago

โฃ1. You must have installed certbot if not install with this command: apt-get install python3-certbot-apache -y
2. Generate your real ssl certificate with certbot let's encrypt with this command: certbot --apache -d filerun.example.com
3. Note: you must run this command with port 80 open
4. Copy this files from let's encrypt folder: /etc/letsencrypt/live/your.domain.name
5. Rename this files: fullchain.pem rename to nume domeniu.cert and privkey.pem rename to nume domeniu.key
6. Put this files on cockpit certicates folder: /etc/cockpit/ws-certs.d
7. chown cockpit-ws:cockpit-ws <nume domeniu.cert> <nume domeniu.key>
8. systemctl restart cockpit

DanyChrys Barosoft
9 Views ยท 10 months ago

โฃ1. Locate the name of your drive

2. Create a mount point
mkdir /usb
chown -R www-data:www-data usb
chmod -R 777 usb

3. Create an entry in /etc/fstab
nano /etc/fstab
At the bottom of that file, add an entry like this:
/dev/sdd1 /usb ext4 defaults 0 0

4. Testing the mount
mount -a

DanyChrys Barosoft
6 Views ยท 10 months ago

โฃHow to add ondrej ppa source list on mantic minotaur

DanyChrys Barosoft
10 Views ยท 10 months ago

โฃHow to Install the new App Center in Ubuntu 22.04

DanyChrys Barosoft
14 Views ยท 10 months ago

Setari pentru host virtual pe porturi diferite in directoare diferite si subdomenii diferite