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DanyChrys Barosoft
12 Views · 5 months ago

Filmare Drona Mavic Mini ⁣Oradea - Henrik Ibsen - Nr. 5 - Iosia

DanyChrys Barosoft
11 Views · 9 months ago

RomSoft Diagnoza - Romocea Service

DanyChrys Barosoft
11 Views · 7 months ago

⁣How To Remotely Log Off someone from command promt (LAN Only)

DanyChrys Barosoft
11 Views · 5 months ago

Padure Felix

DanyChrys Barosoft
11 Views · 4 months ago

⁣01 - Avenul de la Betfia

DanyChrys Barosoft
10 Views · 10 months ago

⁣How to Install the new App Center in Ubuntu 22.04

DanyChrys Barosoft
10 Views · 10 months ago

Instalarea unui sistem de operare virtual în vmware player și avantajele folosirii unui asemenea sistem. Virtualizarea sistemelui de operare la îndemâna oricui.

Installing a virtual operating system in vmware player and the advantages of using such a system. Operating system virtualization at anyone's fingertips.

DanyChrys Barosoft
10 Views · 10 months ago

How to enable multiple users sessions on Windows 10 21H1. After that, you can connect through the RDP protocol without the user logging out.
Link to Full HD version -

DanyChrys Barosoft
10 Views · 10 months ago

How to test your SSD speed using Ram Disk

DanyChrys Barosoft
10 Views · 5 months ago

⁣Oradea - Henrik Ibsen - Nr. 5 - Iosia - vazuta din drona

DanyChrys Barosoft
9 Views · 10 months ago

Configurare Microsoft Outlook (protocol POP3) pentru cei care mai au înca conturi e-mail la RDS. În contractul celor de la Digi sunt prevăzute 2 conturi e-mail pentru orice abonat din rețeaua RCS RDS. De data aceasta imaginile vorbesc singure.

DanyChrys Barosoft
9 Views · 10 months ago

⁣1. Locate the name of your drive

2. Create a mount point
mkdir /usb
chown -R www-data:www-data usb
chmod -R 777 usb

3. Create an entry in /etc/fstab
nano /etc/fstab
At the bottom of that file, add an entry like this:
/dev/sdd1 /usb ext4 defaults 0 0

4. Testing the mount
mount -a

DanyChrys Barosoft
9 Views · 7 months ago

SanMartin - Baile Felix

DanyChrys Barosoft
9 Views · 6 months ago

bootrec /fixboot command acces denied - windows won't boot - start in troubleshoot mode

DanyChrys Barosoft
9 Views · 5 months ago

⁣Oradea - Henrik Ibsen - Nr. 5 - Iosia - zbor drona

DanyChrys Barosoft
9 Views · 5 months ago


DanyChrys Barosoft
9 Views · 4 months ago

⁣03 - Avenul de la Betfia

DanyChrys Barosoft
9 Views · 17 days ago

take it from 100 m altitude and 2km distance from home point ...

DanyChrys Barosoft
9 Views · 9 days ago

⁣Costinesti 2024

DanyChrys Barosoft
8 Views · 10 months ago

Metodă de transfer conținut media din telefon (smartphone) către PC și viceversa. La baza acesteia stă protocolul FTP (file transfer protocol). O metodă rapidă prin care ne debarasăm de cablul de date.

Method of transferring media content from phone (smartphone) to PC and vice versa. It is based on the file transfer protocol (FTP). A quick way to get rid of the data cable.

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