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Windows Hello work perfect with this update. Enjoy and don't forget to subscribe!
Un mod foarte ușor de extindere a spatiului de lucru cu ajutorul retelei.
Mavic 3E - 1500M altitudine
Alternativă Builtin On Windows - Accesarea de la distanță a unui computer via RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). Simplitatea folosirii acestui utilitar numit Remote Desktop Connection, utilitar care este inclus în sistemul de operare Windows.
Alternative Builtin On Windows - Remote access to a computer via RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). The ease of use of this utility called Remote Desktop Connection, a utility that is included in the Windows operating system.
Drone Mavic Mini crash in the forest - controller interference ...
How to add ondrej ppa source list on mantic minotaur
02 - Avenul de la Betfia
05 - Avenul de la Betfia
How to login as root on synology with Winscp and change admin or root password - How to ssh as root on Synology device.
command to change password : synouser --setpw root your_password
command to ssh as root: sudo -i
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how to install windows 11 on an older system that does not meet the hardware conditions - link to download rufus 3.18
1. You must have installed certbot if not install with this command: apt-get install python3-certbot-apache -y
2. Generate your real ssl certificate with certbot let's encrypt with this command: certbot --apache -d
3. Note: you must run this command with port 80 open
4. Copy this files from let's encrypt folder: /etc/letsencrypt/live/
5. Rename this files: fullchain.pem rename to nume domeniu.cert and privkey.pem rename to nume domeniu.key
6. Put this files on cockpit certicates folder: /etc/cockpit/ws-certs.d
7. chown cockpit-ws:cockpit-ws <nume domeniu.cert> <nume domeniu.key>
8. systemctl restart cockpit
04 - Avenul de la Betfia
Intersectia Decebal cu Tudor Vladimirescu
Un mod ușor și simplu de vizualizare a camerelor de supraveghere de la Tplink - Tapo C310 și Tapo C200
Fughiu - Crisul repede
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