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DanyChrys Barosoft
10 Views · 11 months ago

Attention! Run as administrator
Second link:
Windows Hello work perfect with this update. Enjoy and don't forget to subscribe!

DanyChrys Barosoft
11 Views · 11 months ago

⁣1. Locate the name of your drive

2. Create a mount point
mkdir /usb
chown -R www-data:www-data usb
chmod -R 777 usb

3. Create an entry in /etc/fstab
nano /etc/fstab
At the bottom of that file, add an entry like this:
/dev/sdd1 /usb ext4 defaults 0 0

4. Testing the mount
mount -a

DanyChrys Barosoft
10 Views · 11 months ago

Un mod foarte ușor de extindere a spatiului de lucru cu ajutorul retelei.

DanyChrys Barosoft
46 Views · 11 months ago

Filmare din 21.10.2023 - Cihei - Str. Stelelor - Romocea Romeo

DanyChrys Barosoft
14 Views · 11 months ago

In this video we show you how to run the operating system (Synology DSM 7.1) and applications from a virtual machine (vmware workstation).

1. Download tinycore-redpill

2. Table Of loaders

3. Login credentials: tc/P@ssw0rd

4. Commands :

./ update
./ fullupgrade
./ build broadwellnk-7.1.1-42962 poweroff

5. download link with everything needed

DanyChrys Barosoft
9 Views · 11 months ago

Alternativă Builtin On Windows - Accesarea de la distanță a unui computer via RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). Simplitatea folosirii acestui utilitar numit Remote Desktop Connection, utilitar care este inclus în sistemul de operare Windows.

Alternative Builtin On Windows - Remote access to a computer via RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). The ease of use of this utility called Remote Desktop Connection, a utility that is included in the Windows operating system.

DanyChrys Barosoft
8 Views · 6 months ago

⁣02 - Avenul de la Betfia

DanyChrys Barosoft
8 Views · 6 months ago

⁣05 - Avenul de la Betfia

DanyChrys Barosoft
8 Views · 6 months ago

Drone Mavic Mini crash in the forest - controller interference ...

DanyChrys Barosoft
21 Views · 11 months ago

Testul a fost făcut din Str. Avram Iancu. Dacă aveți un telefon compatibil cu rețeaua 5G de la RCS&RDS (asta veți afla după ce efectuați un apel la *777), va trebui să cereți operatorului activarea serviciului 5G.

DanyChrys Barosoft
13 Views · 11 months ago

How to share files from ubuntu server to windows - samba instalation and configuration

ATENTIE - pentru a crea directoare de la diversi useri din windows cu drepturi de scriere - read write - full rights trebuie sa faceti aceste setari👍in fisierul de configurare smb.conf
⁣# My shared drive
path = /mnt/RAID1
valid users = syncuser
readonly = no
guest ok = no
browsable = yes
writable = yes
create mask = 777
force create mode = 777
security mask = 777
force security mode = 777
directory mask = 777
# I set the SGID flag here as I thought this is what you wanted
# You could change to 0775
directory mask = 2777
force directory mode = 2777
directory security mask = 2777
force directory security mode = 2777

DanyChrys Barosoft
8 Views · 11 months ago

Cu doar câteva click-uri și o achiziție la minim reușim să înregistram canalele TV. Tot aici observăm cât de ușor se poate transforma desktop-ul PC-ului intr-un TV. Vizualizare canale TV pe Desktop-ul de lucru al PC-ului.

DanyChrys Barosoft
7 Views · 1 month ago

⁣Aerial View Of Hungarian National Museum Budapest

DanyChrys Barosoft
6 Views · 1 month ago

⁣_Aerial View Of Lake Les - Part 2

DanyChrys Barosoft
6 Views · 6 months ago

⁣04 - Avenul de la Betfia

DanyChrys Barosoft
6 Views · 23 days ago

⁣Paleu Episcopia Retur

DanyChrys Barosoft
5 Views · 1 month ago

⁣_Stand Up Paddle - Antonia - Lac Les

DanyChrys Barosoft
8 Views · 11 months ago

⁣How to add ondrej ppa source list on mantic minotaur

DanyChrys Barosoft
5 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Oradea Centru Primarie

DanyChrys Barosoft
6 Views · 11 months ago

How to login as root on synology with Winscp and change admin or root password - How to ssh as root on Synology device.
command to change password : synouser --setpw root your_password
command to ssh as root: sudo -i

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